Timeline photos
I need your feedback here.
I have been VERY careful about the number of tents and structures I have at the Houseless Movement House and Garden.
That said, I have just given permission for a 6 month pregnant woman and her boyfriend to put up a tent. A single woman begged me for a tent. A non-binary person spent the night in our basement.
And now there is a woman a group of us on Nextdoor are helping, Kimberly, that has just been told by the police that she can't stay where she is.
Do you think I just expand our village for the winter? Or do I continue to keep it small?
I can tell you this: I will not close this village this time. They will have to either take the land or force these people off. But I suppose any of that is possible.
Let me know what you think.
(here's the upcoming forecast for reference)